Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ (but why not ask our chatbot!)

Why read any further? Just ask our chatbot!


Why read any further? Ask our chatbot!

We use our own product and we love it! And remember if our knowledgebase and chatbot don't have the answer to your question, you can use the "Contact a Human" button in our chat widget, or if you prefer you can reach us at

By providing instant answers to your customers using AI trained on your knowledgebase, those customers no longer need to raise a support ticket. Your customers are happier because they get instant accurate responses 24/7, and you're happier because you'll have fewer support tickets and more time for the imporatant things.

Absolutely yes - we provide a 30 day free trial and a Demo page so you can test out your chatbot. After the quick 3 step setup, you can straight away test your chatbot on the 'Demo' page. You can see this page at the end of the Quick Setup, or from your 'Dashboard'. The Demo page is a sample page where you can see how your chatbot will actally appear when it is embedded on your site. The demo will also give real AI responses and real customisations all included so you can fully test it. The demo page can also be sent to others if you would like colleagues/friends to test it out.

Plans & Features

Many will only need one chatbot, but using multiple chatbots could be very useful to some! Each inidividual chatbot has it's own customisations and knowledge sources - here's some examples of how this could be useful:

  • Seperate Sales chatbot & Technical chatbot - you might choose to have one chatbot trained on your landing page/sales literature to ensure it uses your chosen style of language you've used in your marketing material (and not getting into too much detail). Then your Technical Support chatbot could be located within your app or on your support page, and be trained on your full technical support documentation (to give full technical details to your customers without giving them any of the marketing information).
  • Free area & Members-Only area - you might have a paywall, or free/paid areas of your website/app. In this case you could have one chatbot trained on your free content and another chatbot within your members-area that is trained on all your information. This way you can provide even more benefit to your paying customers, while still helping your free customers but without compromising your value proposition
  • Human-contact enabled vs disabled - you may wish to only enable the human-contact option in certain areas of your website/app.
  • Multiple projects - it's very cost effective to use our higher tier plans to get chatbots on all your sites. Each site- agency, multiple projects
  • Different customisations - You might have different colour schemes or styles across different parts of your website/app and as such you can have a different chatbot in each area. In this instance we can link the knowledge bases if you wish so it is simpler for you to manage.

No, we do not provide a free plan, but we do provide a very generous 30 day free trial (no payment details required). We dont provide a free plan because this allows us to ensure we deliver maximum value to our customers; we don't play "games" with our customers and don't use tactics to "hook" people in - we just provide real straight forward value! The system we have built has taken significant effort to develop, and we have significant outgoing costs to provide this service. We have kept our prices reasonable, so the time you save by using Resolve247 easily covers the reasonable cost of using us. Not only will Resolve247 keep your customers happy (and so reduce churn, and increase sign ups), even moreso the extra time you'll have to develop your business will mean that by using Resolve247 your revenue could hockey stick!

We are using the industry leading GPT-4o and GPT-3.5-turbo provided by OpenAI. As standard we are using the latest GPT-4o which is incredibly powerful and very accurate.

If you wish to use GPT-3.5-turbo, you can easily do so from your settings page. This will give you more messages per month for the same price.

Please note we are no longer using GPT-4-turbo as the newer GPT-4o model is faster, more capable and cheaper than GPT-4-turbo.

As OpenAI costs for GPT-4o are 10 times more expensive than GPT-3.5-turbo, the questions/mo on each plan are reduced by the same factor if using GPT-4o (i.e 50,000 questions/month of GPT-3.5-turbo would be equivalent to 5,000 questions/month with GPT-4o).

Unlimited! Your chatbots can be displayed on as many websites as you like.


Nope! We are completely open with what we'll be charging you. It's a simple annual/monthly fee, no extra charges. Watch out for some other chatbots that will charge extra for token consumption or messages on top of their advertised fees! Sometimes they may ask you to provide your API key - which might mean that they charge you extra for actually using their chatbot! With Resolve247 you have peace of mind that we take care of all the costs in one tidy fee - with us there is no uncertainty and no hassle.

Each chatbot is trained a set of information, which could be a huge range of different pages. Different chatbots would be used when you need to have different information available in different locations (such as some information only available to your subscribers or behind your pay wall).

A question is measured as one message from the User to the AI. Be careful of some providers that limit their plans by "message" count where the human and AI response are counted as seperate messages, therefore reducing the value you get by 50%! All costs are included in the plans from Resolve247, unlike some other providers there are no extra charges per message/token.

We charge per question because that actually means something to you! Yes our server costs are related to token consumption. There's no way you know how many tokens your customers questions are going to consume. Our core objective is to provide a solution to your customers, so our simple pricing is measured per question.


Yes you can add knowledge simply by typing in the URL on the knowledge page. You can choose to add a single specific webpage, multiple pages, or your whole site from just one url! If you want to add all the pages on your site you can use either the Sitemap or Seed URL options to add all the URLs on your website, just provide your website and it'll get started straight away!

Absolutely! Any URL address can be used to train your chatbot. The more information the better to ensure that you provide the best support to your customers.

Yes, each inidividual chatbot has it's own independent knowledge source. So you can use different information per chatbot, or the same information if you choose. This has many applications; for example if you have multiple projects you can use a chatbot on each different project. Or if you have a free-area and a members-area the chatbot in your members-area can have additional information to provide even more benefit to both your free and paying customers without compromising your value proposition.

Sure we can! Congratulations on building such a huge site! We're happy to help you make the most of it - large sites are where you can REALLY benefit from Resolve247, some of your customers might not be able to navigate the huge sea of content you've produced, so you can use Resolve247 to help them find the content they want. Training times for large sites are estimated as follows: 1,000 urls = 33mins, 2,000 urls = 66mins for example. Once trained you can regularly update parts of the site or all of your site, as you choose.


Unlimited! Each url can be as long as you would like it to be. We want to keep pricing as simple as possible, so we don't have complicated requirements for max characters etc, max tokens etc (after all, how can you possibly how many tokens you need! With Resolve247 you don't need to worry about it).

Training your chatbot can take as little as 4 seconds for a single page! (and some of that is just to refresh the page on your screen!). "but your headline says '5mins' to setup, why the difference?" - that's because on average we are overdelivering! Here are some estimates from recent examples (which we hope you agree are all super fast!):

  • 1 url = 4 seconds,
  • 100 urls = 4 mins,
  • 1,000 urls = 33 mins,
  • 2,000 urls = 66 mins.
During this short time period, the training is all working in the background so you after a simple click to give the instruction you can close the page and your dedicated processor (more techincally, a dedicated worker dyno) will get started straight away - it'll continue to work on our servers in the background (you can close the window, turn off your computer etc), and we'll let you know when it's complete.

No, after you simply click a button to give the instruction you can close the page and your dedicated processor (more techincally, a dedicated worker dyno) will get started straight away - it'll continue to work on our servers in the background (you can close the window, turn off your computer etc), and we'll let you know when it's complete.

All training is done remotely on secure servers so once you give the instruction to begin training you can turn your PC/laptop off with no need to worry.

So long as you have their permission to do so. Resolve247 is intended to be used by the owner of a website (such as the Founder) to provide visitors to that website with customer support. If there is a legitimate reason you would need to train on information from another website (maybe you have a partnership with another company and want to cross-support) then that is simple to do with Resolve247, simply enter the url into the training page.


It's super easy to get your own AI chatbot with Resolve247! There are 3 steps:

  1. Type in quick start info (here)- 30seconds,
  2. We train your chatbot (from 4s for 1 url, to just 4min for 100urls)
  3. Copy/paste one line of code onto your website - 1 minute.
If you would like any help with setup, we'd be happy to help, just get in contact at, or via the "Contact a Human" button in our chat widget.

It is as simple as copy/paste! Simply copy your personalised code snippet and paste this within the body section of your website. You will be provided your personlised code snippet during Quick Setup, or also from your "Settings" page in your Resolve247 dashboard. Need a hand? We are very happy to help you with this - just get in contact via the "Contact a Human" button in our chat widget or email us at and we'll be happy to help you with this over a screen-share, by email or however you prefer!

Yes! It's super quick to get Resolve247 working on your site, and we are very happy to help get this sorted for you. Just get in contact via the "Contact a Human" button in our chat widget or email us at and we'll be happy to help you with this over a screen-share, by email or however you prefer!

The actual training process for your chatbot can take as little as 4 seconds for a single page! The full setup process (you typing in your email address etc, then us training your chatbot) can take just a couple of minutes. Then it's a simple case of copy/paste one line of code onto your website! Here are more details. There are 3 steps:

  1. Type in quick start info (here)- 30seconds,
  2. We train your chatbot (from 4s for 1 url, to just 4min for 100urls)
  3. Copy/paste one line of code onto your website - 1 minute.
If you would like any help with setup, we'd be happy to help, just get in contact at, or via the "Contact a Human" button in our chat widget.
Even though it's only a short pertiod, all training is done in the background so after a simple click to give the instruction you can close the page and your dedicated processor (more techincally, a dedicated worker dyno) will get started straight away - it'll continue to work on our servers in the background (you can close the window, turn off your computer etc), and we'll let you know when it's complete.

No, we take care of everything for you - you just need to use our Quick Setup process and in 3 steps you'll have your own fully functioning AI Support Chatbot!

Because we take care of everything for you! We handle all your token requirements and we pay all the associated costs for you. Watch out for some other chatbots that will required you to provide your own API key - this might mean that they charge you extra for actually using their chatbot! With Resolve247 you have peace of mind that we take care of everything for you - with us there is no uncertainty and no hassle.


Your new AI chatbot widget will replace the existing chat widget from HelpScout (which they call a "Beacon"). This will encourage the customer to ask the AI a question first, then if the customer still wants to talk to a human they can send a message to you and the message will be sent to your HelpScout inbox to be handled as normal.

In most cases, yes! So long as your app has access to the internet, you should be able to use your Resolve247 chatbot within your app. You just need to copy/paste your one-line personalised JavaScript code snippet into the HTML template/views of your app for the chatbot to appear. You will be provided your personlised code snippet during Quick Setup, or also from your "Settings" page in your Resolve247 dashboard. Feel free to contact us at if you would like help with this.


Yes, you can change everything about the chatbot's appearance to seamlessly suit your website and brand. To change the appearance of your chatbot: from your 'Dashboard' page, click 'Customise' which will take you to the customisation panel. Here you can change the appearance in every way you would need to. If there is ever something else you wish to customise on your chatbot and we'll make it customisable too.

Yes, you can have single or multiple messages, and change the text to whatever you want. To change the welcome messages of your chatbot: from your 'Dashboard' page, click 'Customise' which will take you to the customisation panel. Here you can change the quantity and content of welcome messages to suit your style and preference.

Yes, by default the "Talk to a Human" button is enabled but you can easily disable this if you wish. To disable the option for customers to send you messages: from your 'Dashboard' page, click 'Customise'. From the customisation panel, remove the text in the "contact a human" button, which will make the button disappear and disable the feature from functioning.

Guarantees & Refunds

We really want to you to be satisfied and have no interest in taking your money if you aren't satisfied - if you aren't happy, you'll get your money back. We've got various guarantees to show how confident we are that Resolve247 can help keep your customers happy and make your life easier!

And you have our Hallucination-Free Guarantee to give you peace of mind that your customers will be given correct information - we are so confident in our AI that if there's ever a hallucination, you'll get that month's chatbot for free! And we'll supplement the knowledgebase to ensure it doesnt happen again.

Got more questions?

We'd love to hear from you, contact us at, or via the chatbot widget.