How to add a HubSpot User for your AI Chatbot

When using HubSpot with Resolve247, HubSpot requires that the AI messages are associated to a User. So to make it clear to your customers that the messages are from an AI, we would suggest you create a new User with a name such as “AI Assistant” to ensure your customers are not confused.

Below are detailed instructions on how to add a User in HubSpot, and how to associate that user to your AIChatbot.

Create a new User in HubSpot

  1. From your HubSpot dashboard, in the top menu bar, click the icon for “Settings”.
  1. In the settings navigation menu (on the left), click “Users & Teams”.
  1. At the top right of the table of existing users, click “Create User”.
  1. Enter an email address to be used as the account for the AI Chatbot.
    • Please note that this email will not be used for anything except associating the AI, so the email can be fake, but must be unique. For example “”.
    • Click “Next” in the bottom right.
  1. Click “start with a template”, then click “choose a template”.
  1. From the dropdown menu, select “Standard user”, then click “Next” in the bottom right.
  1. This confirmation screen is showing you the permissions the AIChatbot will have.
    • Rest assured, the AIChatbot will not use all of these permissions – if you are concerned about anything, you can customise the permissions on the previous step.
    • We would recommend ticking the box “Don’t send an email when this user is added to HubSpot” as the email address is not real, so will bounce back.
    • Then click “Add” or “Send” in the bottom right.
  1. Click “Done” in the bottom right which will return you to the user menu, where we can now customise the name and image for your new user.

Customise Name and Avatar image

  1. From the table of Users, you will now see the new User you created.
    • Click “Actions” next to the new user,
    • then click “Edit user”.
  1. Then click “Preferences”.
  1. Here you can customise your chatbot appearance in the widget:
    • Image – we would recommend your company logo, but you can pick any image you choose. Please note that it will take several minutes for HubSpot to process a new image.
    • First name – this is what will appear in the chat widget, we would recommend “AI Assistant” or similar.
    • Last name – this is not displayed to customers, but is a required field by HubSpot so we would suggest this is simply “(Bot)”.
    • Click “Save” in the bottom left.

Link new user within Resolve247.

  1. Return to your Resolve247 settings page and select the new user from the HubSpot user dropdown menu.


Now you can see your new name and image in the HubSpot widget when a message is generated by your Resolve247 AI.

If you are having any difficulties or have any questions we are happy to help, please get in contact at